Privacy Policy

About The Policy

At The Books Publisher, client privacy is our foremost concern at, and we hold it in the same regard as ours. The purpose of gathering information from our clients is solely to enhance our customer service offerings. Our organization recognizes the importance of safeguarding and appropriately utilizing our clients’ information, affirming our commitment to its stewardship. We strictly prohibit the renting or selling any information provided to us online by our clients. This policy outlines the utilization of our client’s personal information, the reasons behind its collection, and the methods of its use. Furthermore, it delineates the options available for collecting and applying your information.

Personal Information Collected

The data gathered by The Books Publisher encompasses the client’s name, email, postal address, and telephone number. The client furnished these data points while placing an order or storing information with our organization. Furthermore, we might utilize the email or postal addresses acquired through our communication system, for instance, our Contact Us Form, to address feedback, inquiries, and the like. Additionally, our firm keeps track of the products that have previously captured our clients’ interest and their online purchase history.

Use of Collected Data

The data gathered is utilized in a variety of comprehensive strategies. Our organization employs the data stored by our clients to facilitate processing their requests. Additionally, we dispatch emails to affirm the request, and our customer support team may contact them through telephone, postal service, or email should our organization require further details concerning the request submitted. As a client, one may also be informed about updates on our website and offerings, which could include a newsletter and details regarding promotional events. Furthermore, we might leverage information about your preferences and acquisitions to enhance our website’s layout and shopping experience under the umbrella of The Books Publisher.

Newsletter Opt-out

If you decide to discontinue receiving our newsletter and promotional messages, you are invited to unsubscribe by adhering to the guidelines provided in each edition of the newsletter or message or by contacting us via email or call.

Social Media (Features) and Widgets

Our website incorporates social media functionalities, including the Facebook Like button, Widgets like the Share This button, or interactive small applications within our platform. Such functionalities gather your IP address and the specific page you are accessing on our platform and could place a cookie to ensure smooth operation. The social media functionalities and Widgets may be hosted by external parties or directly on our website. Your engagement with these tools is subject to the privacy policy of the entity offering them, now referred to under the context of The Books Publisher.

3rd Party Sharing

Personal information will not be disclosed to external parties except as outlined in this policy. Under no conditions do we engage in the sale of personal data to external entities. We employ the services of credit card processing firms to process payments for services. These entities do not keep, distribute, store, or utilize personally identifiable data for any secondary purposes. Furthermore, we use Live Person to offer real-time customer support chat on our website. These entities are permitted to handle your personal data solely to the extent required to deliver these services on behalf of The Books Publisher.

Security of Personal Information

The confidentiality of our client’s data is safeguarded, as encryption during transmission is ensured through the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the data entered by our clients. We adhere to widely recognized standards within the industry to secure the personal information provided to us throughout its transmission and upon receipt. It is essential to acknowledge that no method of data transmission over the Internet or electronic data storage is entirely secure. Thus, while we are committed to employing commercially viable means to protect your personal information, we cannot assure its absolute security. Should you have any inquiries regarding security on our website, please get in touch with us via email at

Access to Registered Accounts

Clients can access their registered accounts by signing in on our homepage. Upon successful sign-in, clients can access their historical lists and previously submitted information on the site. Furthermore, users can update their information after logging into their accounts by selecting “My Account.”

Changing & Deleting/Unsubscribing Accounts

The client must submit an email to initiate the cancellation of their subscription or request the deletion of their personal data. This action will ensure that the user ceases to receive email communications regarding any online orders they may have made on the site. We will maintain your data for the duration your account remains active or as long as it is necessary to offer you services. Please get in touch with us if you want to terminate your account or no longer wish for us to utilize your data to provide services. We will continue to use your information as required to adhere to our legal responsibilities, settle disputes, and uphold our agreements in the context of The Books Publisher.

Cookies and Their Use

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to our clients’ hard drives via Web browsers. This process allows our systems to recognize the clients’ browsers and retain items in their Shopping Carts during visits. Most browser toolbars’ Help sections guide blocking new cookies, alerting the user to new cookies, or disabling cookies entirely. Despite this, enabling cookies enhances your experience by fully utilizing our site’s prime features. We recommend that clients allow cookies. Furthermore, we monitor your IP address to assist in troubleshooting server issues and manage our website. Your IP address helps us collect extensive demographic details, such as your location and Internet service provider, without being linked to Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Additionally, we analyze aggregated user data, including site traffic patterns and search queries. We also record browser types, access times, and the URLs visitors use to arrive at and navigate our site. Unless specified in this Privacy Policy, such information is not shared with third parties except in aggregate form. The management of cookies by our partners, affiliates, tracking utility companies, and service providers falls outside this privacy statement, which we have no control over. These entities utilize session ID cookies to simplify navigation on our site, enhancing your experience as a The Books Publisher.

Clear Gifs (Web Beacons/Web Bugs)

We utilize a software technology known as clear gifs, or Web Beacons/Web Bugs, to enhance our content management on our site by identifying which content is impactful. Clear gifs are minuscule graphics equipped with a distinctive identifier, functioning similarly to cookies, and are employed to monitor users’ web activities. Unlike cookies on the user’s computer hard drive, clear gifs are discreetly integrated into web pages, with their size comparable to the period at the end of this sentence. The data collected through clear gifs is not linked to any personally identifiable information of our customers in the context of The Books Publisher.


We may publish your testimonial with your name under the The Books Publisher section with your permission. Should you wish to have your testimonial withdrawn, kindly reach out to us.

Links to Other Websites

Our website features links to external websites whose privacy approaches may vary from ours. Should you provide personal information to any of these sites, their privacy policies will dictate the handling of your data. We advise you to review the privacy policies of any website you access thoroughly.

Notification of the Changes in Privacy Policy

Should there be any revisions to our privacy guidelines, we will ensure to communicate those adjustments within this privacy documentation, on the homepage, and across other pertinent areas to keep you informed about the types of data we gather, the methodologies employed in its usage, and the scenarios in which we might disclose it, if applicable. We hold the authority to amend this privacy documentation at our discretion. Hence, we encourage regular review. In the event of significant alterations to these policies, we will notify you through this platform, via email, or by deploying an announcement on our homepage before implementing such changes.

Legal Disclaimer

We retain the authority to divulge your personally identifiable information by legal mandates and whenever we deem such disclosure essential to safeguard our rights and/or to adhere to a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal directive issued to our website under the guise of The Books Publisher.


Should you have any inquiries concerning our Privacy Policy or how we handle your data, please do not hesitate to contact us through our toll-free telephone line or via email at